Taking on 2013 and hoping to revitalize my life

Month 4 Check-In

April has come to a close and although I’m not sure where the hell the time has flown, it’s time for me to do another check-in to see how things are progressing. Now on paper, I look like I am making progress but in real-life I still feel like I am floundering. I feel like I have no direction. I think this feeling is directly related to the whole employment situation so let’s ignore the fact that I still have no job and see what else is happening.

DSC_3685My total weight loss since Christmas is 10 pounds – Woot!! The Easter poundage has been taken off plus one more pound. Here’s the new picture although it basically looks the same as all of the others.

Eating more fruits and veggies/ day – For most of the month I had smoothies pretty much every second day except for the week where I ate salad ;). I really wish I felt like this was a solid habit now but I still have to try to remember to make an effort to eat healthy. Why does food that is bad for you have to be so tasty and easy to eat/prepare?

One thing I did to make it easier to make good food choices was I upgraded the old blender. We now have a Ninja and so far so good; it is putting the old blender to shame already.

Exercising – Still making it to badminton twice/ month and I am loving it.  It is a major cardio workout with loads of lunges thrown in there, plus, it is fun to boot. Also trying to walk regularly or do yoga as well.

Blog 4 times/ week – I feel like the blogging is the most successful part of this revitalizing my life plan. I have been very good getting the 4 times /wk in, although they often happen at the last minute, they are still happening!!

Putting myself out there more and creating better relationships – In some ways I feel like I have gotten better at this and in others I can feel myself slacking off in this area. I’ve had some lunch dates and a couple of old friends over last weekend and I have a potluck planned for May. But I am finding the online chatting has slowed down, not much to talk about these days, or I feel like there isn’t. Oh well, I’ll keep at it because what is working is working well.

52 Actions – My focus on the weekly goals has been lost a little bit this month. I’m going to try to work harder at them again in May. I may need to readjust them to get the momentum back again.

Getting a job – Still no job yet 😦

General happiness – I’ve tried adding a morning and evening mantra to my days to welcome abundance into my life. And although I have been generally happier, the last few weeks have been harder for some reason. I attributed it to a certain time of the month there for a few days but I have not bounced back fully so not sure if that was it.

Month 4 wasn’t perfect but it still involved moving in the right direction so I am pleased 🙂

Comments on: "Month 4 Check-In" (1)

  1. […] zipping by, I cannot believe that May has come and gone already. I’m feeling much better than when April came  to a close. I started a daily mantra about welcoming abundance into my life and I feel that this is affecting […]

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